Reasons for SFP Transceiver Fa


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Optical modules are crucial components in fiber optic communication systems, responsible for performing optoelectronic conversions during the transmission of optical signals.


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Difference Between PIN and APD


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Smart Classroom Solution

Smart Classroom Solution


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In the new redrying workshop of Huidong Redrying Plant, which is 340 meters long and 80 meters wide, it is not only its "large" that is eye-catching. In the corner of the workshop, there are neatly arranged several five-story steel frames in blue and red. UHF RFID reader antenna is added to each AGV, which is better with the efficiency of RFID handheld readers.



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There are four important components to make up a UHF RFID system, the host computer, the reader, the antenna and the electronic label.



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Vehicle management has become a problem. For effective management of vehicles, the core issue is how to identify vehicles. Applying RFID technology to the management of access control can effectively realize rapid and reliable identification of vehicles.


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In recent years, the UDI (Unique Device Identification) system has been used internationally to give identification to medical devices, enabling them to have a unique "identity card" in the product supply chain to help simplify the tracking and recall of medical supplies. RFID electronic tags can track and record the entire life cycle of medical equipment produced. The RFID passive electronic tag chip has an anti-collision mechanism and can be applied to the application of multi-tag identification; due to the special tag design, the tag can be identified and read in all directions, with fast reading speed and high accuracy.


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The main function of MPPT controller is to detect the DC voltage and output current of the main circuit, calculate the output power of the solar array, and track the maximum power point. The disturbance resistor R is connected in series with the MOSFET. Under the condition that the output voltage is basically stable, the average current through the resistor is changed by changing the duty ratio of the MOSFET, thus causing current disturbance.  At the same time, the output current and voltage of the photovoltaic cell will also change accordingly. The change of the output power and voltage of the photovoltaic cell before and after the disturbance is measured to determine the disturbance direction of the next cycle. When the disturbance direction is correct, the output power of the solar photovoltaic panel will increase, and the next cycle will continue to disturb in the same direction. Otherwise, it will disturb in the opposite direction. In this way, the disturbance and observation will be repeated to make the solar photovoltaic panel output reach the maximum power point.

MPPT Solar Charge Controller


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With the progress of society and the improvement of productivity, the demand for energy is increasing with the development of human beings. The demand for electric power is expected to increase every year. At present, China's power source mainly relies on fire and thermal power generation. Clean solar power generation has gradually prevailed in recent years. The products related to solar power generation system are also numerous and varied in quality.  Take inverter and controller products as an example. Many friends who have just entered the industry do not know much about it, which leads to ambiguity in product selection. 



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