One, Complete models. Brand models of solar high-power inverters are very complete, especially some big brands will introduce new products every year, in order to enable their brands to occupy the market advantage, and the practicability of high-quality equipment will certainly be stronger.  Moreover, the models of major brands are very complete. We need inverters of any style, which can be purchased directly without worrying about shortage.



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The Touch Screen Smart POS Android Device has supported amazing features.

1) Supports cloud printing, internal bluetooth printing, clipboard printing.


fiberisolator 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology. This technology was born during the Second World War and is mainly used to identify aircraft.



fiberisolator 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1: The core function of the solar controller is to charge and discharge the battery in the solar power system. One is to prevent the battery from overcharging, causing the battery to be overfilled and damaged or exploding. The second is to prevent the battery from being over-discharged, so that the battery can not be charged, resulting in failure to be damaged or invalid.



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The bank belongs to the state's key security and prevention units, and has the characteristics of various scales, numerous important facilities, complicated personnel, and a wide range of management areas. As the main circulation place of today's social currency and an important part of the national economic operation, the bank's business involves a large amount of cash, securities and valuables.


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Newborn babies are born every day in the hospital, and this new life is the most precious property for every family and parent. According to the statistics report of the medical department, the incidents of baby miscarriage and theft in the maternity hospital have occurred.


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When using the existing RFID Demo software, the length of the read operation cannot exceed 255 words, which is 510 bytes. This is also the upper limit of the amount of data read by Gen2. Reading too much data at a time will also cause the performance of the reading to be unstable. In fact, reading 128 words at a time is not stable. This is related to the performance of the specific label. When actually doing the project, it should be sufficient. After testing, choose an appropriate value as the number of single reads and writes.


fiberisolator 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

By putting the license plate number of the transport vehicle into the RFID electronic tag, when the transport vehicle enters various transport nodes such as intersections, unloading yards, yards, warehouses, etc., it can be carried out by an RFID card reader installed above the road. Reading, completely out of manual intervention, improves the speed and accuracy of vehicle traffic counting.


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From the perspective of technological development, high-frequency technology is relatively mature than UHF technology. Through continuous improvement and improvement, a learning curve model for high-frequency tag production, data protocol sharing, and the basis for constructing RFID applications has also been established.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a non-contact, automatic identification technology. The car security anti-theft system uses radio frequency identification technology to automatically identify the target object and obtain relevant data through the radio frequency signal. RFID technology uses RF transmission to read chip data through external materials for non-contact operation.


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