There are four important components to make up a UHF RFID system, the host computer, the reader, the antenna and the electronic label.


The host computer sends a command to the reader, the reader turns on the RF module to send UHF signals under the control of the host computer commands, a magnetic field is created around the RFID tag by means of an antenna. When the magnetic field is strong enough, the chip circuit inside of the tag is activated, then the tag carries information is loaded into the electromagnetic wave and returned to the reader. The reader receives and converts the data information, then processed by the upper computer, complete the process of acquiring electronic tag information.


Host computer

The UHF RFID reader requires the host computer to issue control instructions which can start the reader to send RF signals, the reader receives the signal returned by the tag also needs to be processed and stored by the host computer that can achieve the normal work of the entire UHF RFID system.


The upper computer can be independent of the reader, can also be integrated into the reader, the market common Raspberry Pi, Android reader is the upper computer integrated into the reader.


Hopeland’s UHF android fixed reader, shine 340 can accurate and fast reading, high sensitivity.


The reader

The UHF reader, or RF module, is a key component of the entire RFID system. Firstly the RF module determines the frequency band in which the whole system will operate. Secondly, the read-write's sending power and receiving sensitivity directly affect the whole system's maximum recognition distance.

Shine 340’s sensitivity has -85dbm, it’s far more sensitive than commercially available.


The antenna

Antenna is a passive device for the interconversion of electromagnetic waves and current signals.


Most common UHF RFID readers on the market are single-antenna or quad-antenna configurations, but these two readers are only suitable for inventorying a small range of electronic tags. Inventory larger range of electronic label, if uses many sets of reader to complete the task, not only will bring the high cost, but also need to solve many sets of reader simultaneously work the signal mutual interference problem.


Multi-antenna structured UHF RFID reader, not only can inventory of electronic labels in a wide range, but also no problem of mutual interference of the signal of each antenna port of the reader. Because each antenna port is time division multiplexed.


In practice, the number of antennas and the placement of the antennas should ensure that the radiation range of the antennas can cover all RFID tags. This ensures that all tags can be identified by at least one antenna in the warehouse management process, enabling high speed and leak-free identification in warehouse management.


Hopeland’s 4/8/12/24 antenna ports fixed reader can meet the needs of different applications.


The tags

The electronic tag is a data carrier consisting of a dipole antenna, a resonant capacitor and a micro IC chip. The sensitivity of the tag has a pivotal influence on the reading and writing distance of the RFID system.


The Interface circuits

The two main components are generally the baseband control circuit program configuration interface circuit and the upper computer communication interface circuit. The communication interface between the reader and the host computer is usually RS232, RS485, USB and RJ45 etc.


The work indication function circuit

Real-time knowledge of the entire reader's working situation through the status of the indicators.

Includes reader power-on indication, power-on indication, RF module power indication and each antenna port operating status indication

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