Smart Classroom Solution

Smart Classroom Solution

All-in-One video conferencing for multiple platforms, a collaborative education whiteboard for interactive displays. Simple to use for teachers and easy to deploy and support.


Cutting-edge touchscreen that supports Zoom, Teams, and Google meet available in screen a range of cost effective sizes from 55” to 110”.

Smart Classroom Solution



Annotate on any screen, on any document and share it with your students. Save teachers time with all-in-one solution.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit schools around the world, the whole way we study, collaborate, and communicate has changed. 

Zoom meetings are suddenly the standard for schools in which students and teachers must now collaborate from multiple locations. 

In this radically new work landscape, you need a radically new video conferencing solution. 

The all-in-one Zoom Room video conferencing system is that solution.


Smart Classroom Solution


    創作者 fiberisolator 的頭像

    Fiber isolator,Optic isolator,Fiber splitter,pigtail,Inline polarizer- advanced fiber resources

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