1: The core function of the solar controller is to charge and discharge the battery in the solar power system. One is to prevent the battery from overcharging, causing the battery to be overfilled and damaged or exploding. The second is to prevent the battery from being over-discharged, so that the battery can not be charged, resulting in failure to be damaged or invalid.


2: Because the environment used is different from the region, the operating temperature of the solar controller is also different. In places with large temperature difference, the solar controller should also have the function of temperature compensation.


3: Other additional functions such as: light control switch, time control switch, etc. These solar controllers should be optional.


A solar charge controller is mainly responsible for regulating the energy which flows between solar modules and batteries used in storing up energy generated from solar panels. And controls the power output of the solar cell module and the battery to the load according to the power demand of the load, which is the core control part of the entire photovoltaic power supply system.


When a PV power system is working optimally, there is the likelihood of the battery getting overcharged. This is because the solar panels are built for the purpose of generating higher levels of voltage which if not controlled could lead to damage of the solar power system.

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